RANZCP Endorsed ECT & TMS Training Old

ECT training package of the Therapeutic Brain Stimulation-Melbourne aims to offer ECT Basic and Refresher training such that Psychiatrists continue to be well trained, skilled equipped and proficient in all aspects of ECT, which include prescription, monitoring and administration of ECT, as well as continuing to provide quality clinical leadership role in this space.


The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatry (RANZCP) as well as other Professional Psychiatry Colleges around the world recognise the strong evidence for ECT in the treatment of mental health disorders. Most of the Professional bodies, recognise the need that a Psychiatrist prescribing, administering, or monitoring ECT have an adequate knowledge and skill base in the area of ECT.


The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists’ professional practice guidelines for the administration of electroconvulsive therapy published in 2019 emphasise “All psychiatrists who are administering ECT should be credentialed in ECT practice”.


They further state: “At a minimum, a credentialed psychiatrist must meet the standard outlined in RANZCP (2012) ECT Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA)”.


The Royal College of Psychiatry in their Fellowship Training Curriculum emphasise that to satisfactorily complete the course – a trainee should have completed an Entrustable Professional Activity ensuring their proficiency in all the tasks associated with prescribing , administering and monitoring ECT.


RANZCP: ECT Position statement


This ECT Training course covers all the required areas for accredited ECT training and aims to achieve the required skill standard of practice to seek credentialing or re-credentialing for ECT, and to enable the psychiatrist to attain the extended scope of practice for ECT.


This course is suitable for early career Psychiatrists and senior Registrars who are preparing to take the first step as a Consultant Psychiatrist, as well as senior Psychiatrists who wish to refresh their knowledge and skills in ECT. This course is not designed to meet the requirements of an advanced practitioner.


The Training course covers all the relevant areas needed to safely prescribe, administer and monitor ECT within the legislative framework, whilst also covering practical aspects like education about informed consent process and in developing skills to work with patients and carers to enable informed and shared decision making about the treatment. The ECT Refresher courses for the advanced practitioner cover the latest advances, clarifying specific principles, and cover specific areas in great depth .


Given the learnings from the agility required during Covid 19 restrictions, the course is designed to be delivered flexibly in Face2Face, online only, or hybrid formats, including use of video platforms and soon to be available self-paced modular education formats via online videos.


The completion of the full training and successful post-training assessment will be required for eligibility to obtain a necessary proficiency certificate.


This training course is endorsed by the RANZCP CPD Committee to get CPD points.


The topic for the upcoming Refresher courses is announced in advance for the Practitioners to decide the suitability to attend.


As the refresher courses are also Endorsed by the RANZCP CPD, the participants are able to obtain CPD points for attending the course.


The Participants also receive a certificate of completion upon successful completion of the requirements of the ECT Refresher Course.


rTMS is a newer therapeutic brain stimulation treatment that now has a strong established evidence base in the treatment and management of Major Depression. There is a further developing evidence base and ongoing research for utilising rTMS in several other Psychiatric and Medical disorders viz Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Pain disorders, PTSD, auditory hallucinations in Schizophrenia.


TMS is now listed on the Medicare Benefits Schedule ( MBS) for treatment of Major Depressive Disorder and items specific to it can only be claimed by Psychiatrists with Training in TMS.


RANZCP states that: For Psychiatrists , rTMS Training may be either : existing training and experience recognised under grand parenting rules ( was available until 1 May 2022) , or completion of a Recognised rTMS Training Course endorsed by the RANZCP


RANZCP Endorsed ECT Training

May 2024: TBA

RANZCP Endorsed TMS Training

May 2024: 4th & 5th May