MBBS, MD, FRANZCP, Cert. Psychotherapy Psych.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation ( TMS) Programme Director, Epworth Clinic

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation ( TMS) Director, Therapeutic Brain Stimulation Melbourne

ECT and Neurostimulation Program Director, Monash Health

Member: Chief Psychiatrists (Vic) Neurotherapies Committee

Member and Vic Representative : RANZCP Section of ECT and Neurostimulation Binational Committee

A/Prof Ashu Gandhi is a general adult psychiatrist with 20  years experience as a specialist. He has an interest in working holistically with patients to achieve the best outcomes by considering biological, psychotherapeutic and lifestyle interventions.

Dr. Gandhi offers multimodality treatment approaches including Neurostimulation treatments ( TMS and ECT), Pharmacotherapy approaches apart from Psychotherapy.

Dr Gandhi has a special interest in Brain stimulation Therapies and manages the TMS Programs at Epworth Clinic, Camberwell and TBS Melbourne , Camberwell.

He along with his team offers outpatient TMS treatments in Camberwell , is able to provide second opinion with respect to suitability of rTMS or ECT options in the treatment course of a patient’s illness. Apart from providing an opinion about suitability, he can further provide opinion about the variation in the treatment modalities of ECT and TMS which may bring the best result .